Scholarships for Teachers
Every teacher that joins Semanhyiya American School is extremely dedicated to the education of their students, but many are teaching with only a high school level education themselves. Providing tuition assistance for these teachers to attend higher education and obtain their teaching certificates was one of our first projects and is still on of our top priorities.

School Buses​
Semanhyiya American School is growing fast and many of its students live more than 3 miles from the school. For this reason the school is in dire need of school buses to transport their students safely to and from school. We have already sent one bus to Ghana, which helped immensely but they need more! We have secured a second bus and will be sending it to the school soon!

School Supplies
The growing school is in constant need of new school supplies, from expo markers to pencils to notebooks we make it a priority to help provide Semanhyiya American school as well as students attending nearby government schools with the proper school supplies to give them the best chance at success in their education.

Sponsor A Student (Coming soon)​
Soon we will be offering student sponsors! More info will be posted in the future. If you are curious in learning more, please contact us.